Friends of Baring Head Trust


  • Paula Warren – Chair
  • Duanne Hazelwood
  • Tim Trengrove
  • Gwen McDonald
  • Grant Sheehan
  • Joy Baird
  • John McDonald


(a) The primary purposes of the Trust shall be:

(i) to support and promote the protection, maintenance, enhancement and restoration of the values of Baring Head and its environs, including its natural, historic, landscape, scientific, recreational and cultural values, for the benefit of current and future generations; and

(ii) to disseminate information about the features and values of Baring Head and its environs to increase public understanding, enjoyment and stewardship of the area.

(b) The ancillary purposes of the trust shall be:

(i) to assist the Council in any reasonable and agreed way to protect and enhance the area and to enhance its values, both intrinsic and to the community;

(ii) to foster community support and involvement in the protection and enhancement of the area, and the Work of the Trust;

(iii) if agreed by the Trustees and the Council, to facilitate, support and contribute resources and funding towards any Work undertaken or commissioned by the Trust, the Council or any other party;

(iv) to undertake Work on, or in respect of, any other lands where such Work will protect, maintain or enhance the values of the area;

(v) to make representations with respect of any proposals, plans or policies of any other party which, in the opinion of the Trustees, affect the protection and/or values of the area;

(vi) to promote, advocate for, and/or facilitate the protection, restoration or enhancement of other areas that will advance the primary purpose of the Trust;

(vii) to raise moneys and to engage or employ staff or contractors to further the Objects of the Trust;

(viii) to liaise with, support, encourage, and collaborate with like groups elsewhere;

(ix) To support iwi, in any way mutually considered appropriate, in the protection of their taonga in or on the land and the identification, protection and maintenance of their wahi tapu sites;

(x) to co-operate, consult, liaise, and work with the Council, other community and interest groups, relevant statutory authorities, iwi and other parties to advance the primary purpose of the Trust;

(xi) to educate, raise community awareness and foster public appreciation of the values and benefits of the area;

(xii) to promote the generation of appropriate employment and eco-tourism opportunities on the land that do not conflict with the Objects of the Trust;

(xiii) to encourage and assist the Council to facilitate public enjoyment of the area;

(xiv) to promote, restore and enhance the conservation of the area�s intrinsic, cultural and heritage values;

(xv) to foster community involvement in protecting and enhancing the area�s intrinsic and heritage values;

(xvi) to work co-operatively with iwi, the Council, other statutory authorities, and any other party for the protection and restoration of the area�s values and heritage;

(xvii) to accept gifts, bequests, grants, subscriptions, property, goods and services;

(xviii) to, if necessary with the approval of the Council and any other administrative or regulatory authorities with jurisdiction, purchase, lease, rent, construct, alter, maintain and manage buildings, fences, machinery and other works as it may consider necessary or desirable for the use of, and/or to attain the Objects of the Trust;

(xix) to purchase, or lease, or otherwise acquire or take and interest in, any other lands as it may consider necessary or desirable for the use of, and/or to attain the Objects of, the Trust;

(xx) with the approval of the Council, to let, sublet, rent or lease any buildings or other works to any other party on such terms and conditions as it sees fit;

(xxi) To provide for the public use and enjoyment of any buildings in its control on such terms and conditions as it sees fit;

(xxii) to carry out such other lawful activities which are incidental or conducive to attaining the objects and purposes of the Trust.